Adjusting the loan ratio using only Wing coin as collateral

Currently, all stablecoins of wing dao are collateralized with other stablecoins, borrowing a stable coin amount to MAX to mine WING coins.

This leads to mining WING coins without any risk, and directly selling the mined WING.

As a way to improve this, I think that only WING coins should be used as collateral and the loan MAX of stable coins should be calculated.

I think other liquidity coins and stablecoins should limit further loans in proportion to the WING coin price.

I want to hear from you.

The proposal will lead to a very low TVL like 200k in USD. So t’s not a good idea.

Thanks for any comments on this. I think it makes sense. However, it would be nice to think of ways to increase the accessibility of Wingcoin.

“increase the accessibility of Wingcoin”
I agree with that