Block my Wing tokens in the pool

I put my wing tokens in the pool, I made a test to withdraw my tokens, impossible a message indicates not enough to liquidate?
is there a minimum delay to block my wing tokens.
if i have a problem, how do i get help?
no information on this?

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Hi Ferrari, you may look at Liquidity in the row of Wing token, may be someone borrowed all Wing in the pool after you supply it, so you will have to try again later when the liquidity is enought to withdraw, some people is borrowing Wing to put in Insurance, and get the % of APY

Liquidate it and always at 0, I can never get my Wing tokens back?
I don’t know how it works and English is not easy for me. it complicates.
I have deposited all my tokens, several weeks that I cannot recover?
I can’t find any assistance or help from Wing finance?