What i’m proposing here is a method in which wing would stay locked for extended periods of time in the insurance pool. could have a separate contract which deposits to the insurance pool contract and mints the depositor sWING tokens which unlock in 90 days with a 100% boosted apr. attracting more users with attractive apr is a very common growth tactic and is something we should be chasing at the moment.
Even a boost of just the insure/supply APR would incentivize that growth, but i prefer the latter with more attractive lock ups with added risk for insures.
It actually becomes an important discussion, as at some point all of the WING tokens will have been minted. At that point, where do the insurance rewards come from?
I suggest a 1% charge on the borrow interest rate, which goes directly to people who lock WING for 1 year.
The table below shows the total APR people would receive including the current insurance APR - based on todays rough values. You can see that this would then continue to pay out the insurance providers, even when minting is complete.
The rewards would be paid out as a collection of tokens which have been borrowed. As the TVL and borrow amounts increase, so do the rewards.
1% Charge $ shoud be on the borrow interest, not Total Borrow, do you think so? If the Average Borrow APR is 10%, then APR should be 1/10 of your estimated APR, Total APR is still low.
I think no need for extra money, just reassign it.
We can have a more complete solution. As metioned in the 2022 Wing Roadmap
“A model with a longer lock-up period to obtain higher returns. Set a lock-up period of 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 4 years, with the benefits of different lock-up periods scaling accordingly.”
With this change, the longer the lock-in period, the higher the APR, and the 100% goal you said may be reached.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to draw incentives from Supply and Borrow for the Insurance pool, which reduces the motivation of suppliers and borrowers.