Now the collateral factor of prenBTC and pWBTC is 50%, the same as wing’s collateral factor, from the past performance, the performance of prenbtc and pwbtc is stable, and both assets are anchored with the value of BTC. Since the collateral factor of ETH is 80%, I think that the collateral factor of prenBTC and pWBTC can be increased to at least 65%, so that users can mortgage the same assets and loan more assets. I propose to change the rate of prenBTC and pWBTC from 50% to 65% to increase utilization of funds.
80 percent collateral factor will drop your margin by 30 percent, and on another note , their are better options out there to park your btc instead of wing like ,synthetix , and etc.
Comparing market caps, volatility of prices and collateral factors of different assets in Flash Pool, it’s obvious that the current collateral factors of prenBTC and pWBTC need adjustment.
Since BTC is not a stablecoin, the collateral factor shouldn’t be as high as USDT. And one more thing, once we raise the collateral factor, it’s very hard to drop it again.